1. The name of this organization shall be THE BOSTON WARD FIVE REPUBLICAN COMMITTEE hereinafter referred to as "the Committee".
2. The membership of the Committee shall consist of: enrolled members of the Republican Party resident in Ward 5, Boston, who shall be elected at the presidential primaries, and who shall hold office for four years as set forth in G.L., Ch. 52, Section 29, as amended, until their successors shall have organized; and additional members elected by the Committee at its organizational meeting; and members elected by the Committee to fill any vacancies, as is set forth in the next two followings subsections, who shall hold office conterminously with the members elected at the presidential primaries. If any member changes his residence from Ward 5, Boston, during the said four years, he shall cease to be a member at the end of the calendar year during which said residence is changed. If any member, whether elected or chosen to fill a vacancy, cancels or changes his party enrollment he shall forthwith cease to be a member of the Committee.
G.L., Ch. 52, Section 29, as amended.
3. The number of members of the Committee shall be fixed by the Republican City Committee of Boston as prescribed in G.L., Ch. 52, Section 9.
G.L., Ch. 52, Section 9.
4. The Committee shall, in accordance with the timing prescribed by G.L., Ch. 52, Section 4, meet and organize by the election of a chairman, two vice-chairmen who shall be of opposite sexes, a secretary and a treasurer. At such meeting, the Committee may add to its duly elected members by electing additional members, provided that in so doing the total number of members shall not exceed the fixed number of members authorized.
G.L., Ch. 52, Section 4.
5. In case of any vacancy in the membership of the Committee and/or in its officers, the Committee shall elect a new member or members and/or a new officer or officers to fill such vacancy or vacancies.
G.L., Ch. 52, Section 6.
6. The Committee may, by vote at any meeting, elect associate members who shall not have the right to vote, or the right to serve as chairman, vice-chairman, secretary or treasurer, or the right to serve on the Executive Committee, but shall have all the other rights and duties of the voting members.
G.L., Ch. 52, Section 4.
7. The Secretary of the Committee shall within ten days after its organization file with the State Secretary, with the City Clerk, with the Republican City Committee and with the Republican State Committee, a list of the officers and members of the Committee, together with the addresses of such officers. Within ten days of the election of a new member, or of a new officer, to fill a vacancy, or of the election of associate members, the Secretary shall, in like manner, file a list of such new members and officers and associate members.
G.L., Ch. 52, Section 6.
II. Duties of Officers
1. Chairman
The Chairman of the Committee shall, in addition to the duties required by law, preside at all meetings of the Committee and of the Executive Committee and direct, with the advice of the Executive Committee, the work of the Committee. S/He shall appoint all subcommittees, subject to the approval of the Executive Committee, and shall serve as a member ex-officio on all sub-committees. S/He shall employ all necessary assistance, subject to the approval of the Executive Committee, for the carrying out of the Committee's work; and shall direct the functioning of the Committee and call all meetings of the Committee.
2. Vice-Chairmen
One of the Vice-Chairmen shall preside in alternation, except in the absence of one, at all meetings of the Committee in the absence of the Chairman, and shall perform all duties and have all the powers of the Chairman in case of the temporary absence of the Chairman.
3. Secretary
The Secretary shall keep a record of the proceedings of the Committee and of the Executive Committee; and shall notify each member of each meeting of the Committee at least five days before the date of such meeting, unless circumstances make this impossible and shall perform all other duties required by law, assign by the Chairman, or otherwise herein provided. For the purposes of this section “notification” may include mail, email, telephone or personal communication.
4. Treasurer
The Treasurer shall have custody of all funds to the committee, pay all written orders, and shall procure and file vouchers for such payment. The Treasurer shall submit a report to each regular meeting of the Committee and to the Executive Committee at any time when either shall so request.
lll. Duties of Members
To carry out the duties and responsibilities detailed in the MANUAL OF TOWN AND WARD COMMITTEE DEVELOPMENT prepared by the Massachusetts Republican State Committee, the Chairman shall appoint members to the following standing sub-committees:
A. Finance Committee: The Finance Committee shall consist of the Treasurer, and at least two (2) additional members appointed by the Chairman, one of whom shall be appointed Chairman of the Sub-committee and shall be known as the Finance Director. The Finance Committee shall be responsible for setting the fund raising goals for the Committee; designing and implementing the Committee’s fund raising programs; and making recommendations for direct and in-kind donations to Republican candidates in National, State and Local elections to be made by the Committee.
B. Candidates Committee: Shall consist of the the Secretary and at least two (2) members appointed by the Chairman, one of whom shall be appointed Chairman of the sub-committee and be known as the Political Director. The Candidates Committee shall be responsible for recruiting candidates for municipal and legislative office; designing and implementing the Committee’s Get-Out-the-Vote programs; and procuring and operating a Republican Headquarters for the Ward prior to and during the November elections. This committee shall at all times maintain an accurate voter file of all registered voters in the Ward.
C. Public Relations Committee: Shall consist of no more than three (3) members appointed by the Chairman, one of whom shall be appointed Chairman of the sub-committee and shall be known as the Media Director. The Public Relations Committee shall be responsible for dissemination of information concerning Republican activities to citizens of the Ward via issuing Press Releases, coordinating and encouraging Letters to the Editor by members and updating the Committee’s social media platforms.
D. Outreach Committee: Shall consist of a minimum of three (3) members appointed by the Chairman, one of whom shall be appointed Chairman of the sub-committee and shall be known as the Outreach Director. In addition, all Precinct Chairs will serve on the Outreach Committee. The Outreach Committee shall be responsible for designing the Committee’s voter registration program and Voter Identification program; oversee all non-fundraising events and rallies sponsored by the Committee; and shall be responsible for recruiting new members, associate members and volunteers to the Committee.
1. To work for the success of the Republican Party in national, state and city elections.
2. To conduct a registration program or programs and help register potential Republican voters.
3. To establish the Committee headquarters prior to elections and send out literature to voters in the ward.
4. To arrange for transportation to the polls on Election Day for Republican voters.
5. To assist voters who wish to vote by absentee or physical disability ballot.
6. To establish precinct organizations.
7. To cooperate with the Republican National, State and City Committees and the Republican Clubs, whether within or outside the district, to advance the cause of the Republican Party.
The membership of the Executive Committee shall consist of the five officers provided for in Part I of these by-laws and of two additional members who shall be appointed by the Chairman from the membership of the Committee. The Executive Committee shall supervise the work of the Committee, shall serve in an advisory capacity on all matters referred to it by the Chairman, and shall approve all matters to be published, circulars, posters, etc ., in connection with the Committee's work, during election campaigns. From time to time as the need therefor arises, the Executive Committee shall be vested with all powers of the Committee subject, however, to the approval of the full Committee at the next meeting following any such action taken by the Executive Committee.
1. Meetings
The Chairman shall call not less than four meetings of the Committee each year plus such additional meetings as he deems necessary. Any member of the Committee may petition the Executive Committee for a meeting of the Committee. If a majority of the Executive Committee approves the petition the Chairman shall call a special meeting, as requested.
2. Quorum
Thirty-three and one third percent of the authorized membership of the Committee shall constitute a quorum, except that in no case shall less than two members be considered a quorum. A majority of those present and voting, if a quorum is present, shall be sufficient to pass upon matters.
Four members of the Executive Committee shall constitute a quorum. A majority of those present and voting, if a quorum is present, shall be sufficient to pass upon matters.
3. Amendments
These by-laws may be amended at any regular meeting of the Committee by a two-thirds vote of those present and voting, a quorum being present, notice of the action proposed having been included in a written notice of the meeting sent to each member of the Committee at least seven days prior to the meeting at which the proposed action is to be taken. “Written notice” shall be deemed made by any of the following methods; 1) United States Postal Service, 2) Electronic Mail, 3) Facsimile Transmission or 4) Hand Delivery.
4. Suspension of By-Laws
These by-laws may be suspended at any regular meeting of the Committee, without prior notice, by unanimous vote of those present and voting, a quorum being present.
5. Parliamentary Authority
The Committee shall establish to govern its proceedings a parliamentary authority which in all cases shall be consistent with these by-laws and all pertinent statutes of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts and of the United States of America. Unless otherwise provided by a unanimous vote of the committee at any meeting, a quorum being present, Roberts Rules of Order (the most recent printing) shall be used to govern the conduct of all meetings of the committee.
6. Liaison
The Committee shall establish and maintain communications with the State Committee.
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