Wednesday, January 27, 2010

2010 Republican Convention - April 17, 2010

The following individuals were last night elected delegates to the 2010 Massachusetts Republican Convention from Boston Ward Five Republican Committee:

Richard Babson
Deborah Branting
Catherine-Mary Donovan
Charles Dumbaugh
Robert Ford
Carole Gunst
Courtney Houston-Carter
Kristin Johnson
Matthew (Brad) Marston
Matthew Matule
Reid Morrison
Richard Pien
Maureen Rooney
Martin Samuels
John Sears
Lee Sprague

The following individuals were last night elected alternate delegates to the 2010 Massachusetts Republican Convention from Boston Ward Five Republican Committee:

Andrew duMoulin
Joseph Selvaggi

The following individuals are EX- OFFICIO delegates to the 2010 Massachusetts Republican Convention from Boston Ward Five Republican Committee:

James Hill, Boston Ward Five Republican Committee Chairman
Stephen Jeffries, 2nd Suffolk State Committeeman


Tuesday, January 5, 2010

January 23, 2010 6:30 PM, Convention Delegate Selection Meeting. February 2 TBA is the snow date.

The Committee will meet January 26, 2010 at 6:30 PM at LIR, 903 Boylston Street, Boston,,+Boston,+MA&sll=42.358431,-71.059773&sspn=0.297838,0.602188&g=Boston,+MA&ie=UTF8&hq=LIR,&hnear=Boston,+MA&ll=42.351377,-71.08429&spn=0.037234,0.075274&z=14&iwloc=A.

The main item of business will be the selection of 16 delegates and 2 alternate delegates to the 2010 Massachusetts Republican State Convention.

Candidates to be a delegate or alternate delegate will be required to supply the following information to allow for delegate registration with the Massachusetts Republican Party in order to be official for the convention on April 17, 2010:

First Name
Last Name
Address Line 1
Address Line 2
Zip Code
Phone Number
Email Address

For the convention website, please see:

Committee votes contribution to Scott Brown for US Senate

At its meeting tonight the Committee voted to donate $1,000 to Scott Brown for US Senate.

John Sears, Brad Marston (Candidate for Massachusetts Representative), George Sprague