Friday, March 25, 2011

Ward 5 Republican Committee meeting - Update

We had a very productive meeting last night. We have amended the By-Laws to allow for the creation of for standing sub-committees to better enable the committee to achieve its primary purpose of assisting Republican candidates in local, state and national elections. The committees are:
  • Finance Committee
  • Candidate's Committee
  • Public Relations Committee, and
  • Outreach Commitee.
Anyone interested in serving on any of these committees should contact me at Brad (at) BradMarston (dot) com.

We will also be hosting a Fund Raiser for Peter Durant on Wednesday, April 13th. More details to come soon.

On Saturday, April 30th we will be participating in both the Beacon Hill Shines and Back Bay Alley Rally annual spring clean up.

Let me also welcome our four new members, Deborah Branting, Shirley Marston, William Schulz and John Sullivan.

Also check back here soon for the link to our new website!

I am very excited about the changes that are developing here with the Boston Ward 5 Republican Committee.

Brad Marston

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Meeting Thursday, March 24, 2011, 6:30 pm, 90 Beacon Street, Unit 2, Boston

Notice of Meeting of the Boston Ward 5 Republican Committee
Thursday March 24, 2011 at 6:30 PM

In accordance with the By-Laws of the Committee, I hereby call a meeting of the Committee to be held Thursday March 24, 2011 at 6:30 PM. The meeting will be held at 90 Beacon Street, Unit 2, Boston, Massachusetts.

The suggested agenda for the meeting is as follows:

1) Adoption of proposed agenda*
2) Adoption of Minutes of February 15th meeting
3) Treasurer’s Report
4) Discussion and vote on adoption of proposed changes to Committee By-Laws (Attached)
5) Acceptance of nomination of and voting on new Regular and Associate Members and change in member classification for regular members who have moved out of Ward 5
6) Committee sponsored fund raising event for Peter Durant, Republican Candidate for State Representative, 6th Worcester District
7) Committee sponsored New/Prospective Member fund raising event in May with former candidate for State Auditor Mary Z. Connaughton

*In accordance with Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised, any member of the Committee may propose additional agenda items prior to a motion to adopt the agenda suggested herein.

The proposed changes to the Committee By-Laws include the creation of four standing sub-committees. These are a Finance Committee responsible for setting and achieving fund raising goals, a Candidates Committee responsible for recruiting candidates and coordinating the efforts of the Committee on behalf of Republican candidates, a Public Relations Committee responsible for raising the profile of the Committee through the media and an Outreach Committee responsible for designing and implementing Voter Registration and Get Out The Vote efforts as well as increasing the number of members, associate members and friends of the Committee. The existence of these sub-committees is recommended by the Republican State Committee.

The other proposed change to the By-Laws makes explicit that written notice of meetings can be by electronic mail and/or facsimile.

If you have any questions or concerns, I invite you to contact me at your convenience.


Brad Marston, Chairman

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Marston Elected Chairman of Boston Ward Five Republican Committee

Brad Marston was tonight elected Chairman of the Boston Ward Five Republican Committee.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

2010 Republican Convention - April 17, 2010

The following individuals were last night elected delegates to the 2010 Massachusetts Republican Convention from Boston Ward Five Republican Committee:

Richard Babson
Deborah Branting
Catherine-Mary Donovan
Charles Dumbaugh
Robert Ford
Carole Gunst
Courtney Houston-Carter
Kristin Johnson
Matthew (Brad) Marston
Matthew Matule
Reid Morrison
Richard Pien
Maureen Rooney
Martin Samuels
John Sears
Lee Sprague

The following individuals were last night elected alternate delegates to the 2010 Massachusetts Republican Convention from Boston Ward Five Republican Committee:

Andrew duMoulin
Joseph Selvaggi

The following individuals are EX- OFFICIO delegates to the 2010 Massachusetts Republican Convention from Boston Ward Five Republican Committee:

James Hill, Boston Ward Five Republican Committee Chairman
Stephen Jeffries, 2nd Suffolk State Committeeman


Tuesday, January 5, 2010

January 23, 2010 6:30 PM, Convention Delegate Selection Meeting. February 2 TBA is the snow date.

The Committee will meet January 26, 2010 at 6:30 PM at LIR, 903 Boylston Street, Boston,,+Boston,+MA&sll=42.358431,-71.059773&sspn=0.297838,0.602188&g=Boston,+MA&ie=UTF8&hq=LIR,&hnear=Boston,+MA&ll=42.351377,-71.08429&spn=0.037234,0.075274&z=14&iwloc=A.

The main item of business will be the selection of 16 delegates and 2 alternate delegates to the 2010 Massachusetts Republican State Convention.

Candidates to be a delegate or alternate delegate will be required to supply the following information to allow for delegate registration with the Massachusetts Republican Party in order to be official for the convention on April 17, 2010:

First Name
Last Name
Address Line 1
Address Line 2
Zip Code
Phone Number
Email Address

For the convention website, please see:

Committee votes contribution to Scott Brown for US Senate

At its meeting tonight the Committee voted to donate $1,000 to Scott Brown for US Senate.

John Sears, Brad Marston (Candidate for Massachusetts Representative), George Sprague